(NC) There are many tools that go a long way to making our lives easier, from the internet to the dishwasher. When it comes to running a business, like it or not, there are plenty of ways technology can make a significant difference in a company’s ability to be successful for the long haul. Here are three must-haves:
Cloud-based data management systems
Well-known email services should provide powerful calendar features, automatic back-up settings and secure file-storage and -sharing capabilities. But if a business owner is still working manually or in files saved on one computer, it’s probably time to adopt these features in a now-standard software suite.
Otherwise, one spilled coffee could destroy everything, and there’s likely a lot of time and energy being used that could be put to better use. There are plenty of free tutorials online to help new users get the most out of these tools, and many companies will happily set up a free trial or demonstration to go over the ropes.
Password management tools
There is a lot to lose when passwords are lost or compromised, especially when a small business is involved. Secure password managers can safely store login information, so no one is tempted to leave the details written down or choose passwords that are easy to hack.
A password manager can also give back the time spent repeatedly resetting forgotten passwords and makes it easy to grant occasional access to employees through the manager without revealing the password to them.
Accounting software
If a business doesn’t already use cloud-based accounting software such as FreshBooks, it’s worth considering signing up. There are a lot of time-saving perks to take advantage of such as automated invoicing and late-payment reminders to help ensure money-owed is collected, receipt and expense tracking, and even time tracking tools to see what parts of the business are requiring the most of the company’s time and efforts.
Find more information about automated, cloud-based accounting at freshbooks.com.