The Quest for Impact in Consumer Decisions Goes Beyond Price

It’s a common misconception that price is the sole driver of purchasing decisions. While cost certainly plays a role, a more in-depth understanding of consumer psychology reveals a more nuanced reality. Google’s Head of Research, Justin De Graaf, sheds light on this complexity by identifying six distinct attitudes that online searchers exhibit:

  1. Help me: This attitude reflects a need for practical assistance and problem-solving.
  2. Reassure me: This attitude signifies a desire for confidence and validation in a purchase.
  3. Educate me: This attitude indicates a thirst for knowledge and understanding about a product or service.
  4. Surprise me: This attitude represents a yearning for novelty and unexpected experiences.
  5. Impress me: This attitude signifies a desire for status and recognition associated with a purchase.
  6. Thrill me: This attitude reflects a craving for excitement and emotional engagement.

It’s the last three attitudes, Surprise me, Impress me, and Thrill me, that hold the key to understanding the pursuit of impact. These consumers are not simply looking for the cheapest or most efficient solution; they seek an encounter that transcends the ordinary. They crave products, services, or presentations that leave a lasting impression, that shake them up.

Impact is not quantifiable by numbers alone. It’s a qualitative experience that manifests in the emotional responses of consumers. Impact is recognized through the comments they leave, the heartfelt gratitude they express, and the stories they tell about their experiences. Their testimonies reveal the excitement, satisfaction, or pleasure triggered by what you sell.

To deliver impact, you must understand the emotional desires of your target audience. It’s about creating experiences that resonate deeply, that result in a lasting mark on their lives. It’s about crafting a narrative that transcends the transactional and connects with their aspirations, their dreams, and their sense of self.

The pursuit of impact is a journey beyond price. It’s a journey that requires a profound understanding of human emotion and a commitment to creating experiences that are truly memorable. Are you ready to embark on this journey?

A graduate of the University of Waterloo, I have been a member of the Professional Engineers of Ontario since 1982 (Now designated Retired). A member of The Association of Ontario Locksmiths, I have been active in the Locksmith trade since 1985

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