Black Friday, the day following Thanksgiving in the United States, has evolved into a significant cultural and economic event, marking the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. This phenomenon is characterized by a surge in consumer spending, driven by various factors that intertwine cultural, psychological, and economic elements. UnderstandingContinue Reading

My attitude toward language tends to set me up for disappointment. I take people — marketers included — at their word. Recently, an email hit my inbox headed “New Kobo releases, just for you.” Inside it said, “Picked just for you. We think you’ll love these reads.” As I lookedContinue Reading

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Scrolling through endless social media feeds, bombarded with ads and promotions, each one louder than the last. It’s enough to make anyone want to throw their phone across the room. But what if there was a different way? A way to connect with customersContinue Reading

In the competitive landscape of today’s market, every company strives to stand out and achieve remarkable success. A crucial element in this pursuit is understanding and defining your ideal customer. This isn’t simply about identifying a target audience; it’s about tapping deeper into their beliefs, goals, habits, and preferences, craftingContinue Reading