Kit bashing has once again become a popular pastime. With each new model kit released, there’s another opportunity to find fault with the product and the people who produced it. This is a change from when there were few new kits to bash and the old “nothing but reissues” argumentContinue Reading

Having a strong web presence is crucial for engaging and communicating with prospects and customers. While an optimized website is a fundamental part of your online marketing strategy, taking it a step further can set your business apart in a competitive landscape. Blogging has emerged as a potent tool toContinue Reading

Hostas, beloved by gardeners for their lush foliage and ease of care, are a staple in many gardens. These hardy perennials are known for their ability to thrive in various conditions, making them a popular choice for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike. One question that often arises among gardenersContinue Reading

The art of pitching blog posts to editors has become a crucial skill for writers and marketers alike. A recent survey report sheds light on the common complaints of prominent blog editors, drawing parallels to historical grievances from other editorial fields. When it comes to pitching blog posts, editors faceContinue Reading

It is always fun to discover who are our grandparents, great-grandparents, etc, especially if they were popular and smart people in their times. If you want to satisfy your curiosity about your ancestors, these are the steps you can follow. Reveal all the secrets you wish to know about yourContinue Reading