David Sax’s book, “The Revenge of Analog,” shows how analog experiences have made a surprising comeback. This resurgence is not just about nostalgia; it’s about discovering unexpected joys in products and services that were never intended by their creators. Take, for instance, the tactile pleasure of flipping through a printContinue Reading

The question of pricing is a pivotal one. It’s not just about how much you charge, but also about the perceived value you offer to your customers. The ultimate pricing question, “Why should I buy from you over any other business offering similar services?” is one that can make orContinue Reading

A business’s home page is often the first point of contact with potential customers. It’s where first impressions are formed and where the decision to engage further with a business is made. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the importance of this critical touchpoint, mistakenly assuming that visitors arrive with ample timeContinue Reading

There are some differences in merchandising theory between the neighbourhood grocery store and the sporting goods store down the street. The fact remains that both are merchandised in the same way. Both use an organized and attractive layout to maximize each item’s sales potential. These merchandising principles used by majorContinue Reading

Community policing represents a paradigm shift from traditional law enforcement methods, focusing on building strong relationships between the police force and the communities they serve. This approach has been increasingly adopted across various regions, including Canada, where it has shown promise in crime prevention and enhancing the sense of securityContinue Reading