When you are developing a new product, the term “minimum viable product” can initially elicit skepticism. At face value, it seems to imply a substandard creation, conveying the idea that the manufacturer is striving to produce the lowest quality item possible, with improvements only slated for post-launch. This notion mayContinue Reading

Today, let’s share a creative and budget-friendly way to add some colour to your life – colour printouts! If you have ever dabbled in painting by numbers and enjoyed it, then this is a perfect fit. So, the idea is simple – find some cool images or designs and printContinue Reading

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It allows us to connect with friends, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay updated on current events. However, along with its many benefits, social media also brings with it the dark side of cyberbullying and harassment. It is essentialContinue Reading

Toronto, ON (CNW) As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) increases, fraudsters are using it more and more in their scams, and Canadians are taking notice. According to RBC’s annual Fraud Prevention Month Poll, 75% of respondents are more concerned about fraud than ever before. Nine in ten Canadians also believe the use ofContinue Reading