Ottawa, ON (CNW) Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) applauds the federal government’s decision today to send the national rail dispute to binding arbitration. Manufacturers are calling on the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to order a resumption of rail service as soon as possible. We are pleased the government hasContinue Reading

Many practitioners in the field of marketing believe that results are the most important thing. This perspective posits that whatever strategy yields the best outcomes must inherently be the best approach. Consequently, every potential or actual customer is viewed merely as a data point, and any effort that fails toContinue Reading

Toronto, ON (CNW) Nearly seven in ten (68%) small businesses have experienced disruptions due to local construction projects in the past five years, marking a 27% increase since 2018, finds a new report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) titled Hard hats and hard times: Public construction impacts onContinue Reading