False Alarm Reduction Tips for Property Owners

Time is of the essence when it comes to responding to an emergency. False alarms can be a major drain on resources for first responders, diverting them from genuine emergencies and potentially putting lives at risk. Despite this challenge, law enforcement agencies like the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) remain committed to responding to all alarms until their validity is confirmed.

False Alarm Policies: Many municipalities have implemented “False Alarm Policies” bylaws to address the issue of recurring false alarms. These policies typically involve imposing monetary fines once a certain number of false alarms have occurred within a calendar year. The aim is to encourage property owners to take proactive measures to reduce false alarms and ensure the efficient use of emergency services.

Tips for False Alarm Reduction:

  • Enhanced Call Verification (ECV): Utilizing an alarm monitoring company that offers ECV can help in verifying whether an alarm is genuine or false. This additional verification step can prevent unnecessary dispatches and reduce false alarms.
  • Proper Training: It is essential to educate all users of the alarm system on the correct procedures for arming and disarming it. In the event of an accidental activation, users should know how to respond appropriately to prevent false alarms.
  • Updated Contact Information: Ensure that your alarm monitoring company has the most up-to-date information about keyholders and property owners, including their full names and multiple contact numbers. This ensures efficient communication in case of an alarm activation.
  • Secure Property Before Arming: Before activating the alarm system and leaving the property, ensure that all doors and windows are properly secured. Clear sensors of any potential triggers such as hanging plants, curtains, or advertising banners that could inadvertently set off the alarm.
  • System Maintenance: Regularly check and maintain your alarm system. Electronic components, sensors, and batteries can degrade over time, leading to false alarms. Annual inspections by qualified personnel can help prevent such issues.
  • Update System for Changes: If you have modified your property’s interior layout or introduced new pets, contact your alarm monitoring company to assess whether adjustments are needed in the alarm system to avoid false activations.
  • Restricted Access: Avoid giving keys to your property to individuals who are not familiar with your alarm system. Unauthorized access could lead to accidental triggers and false alarms.

By following these false alarm reduction tips, property owners can contribute to the effective utilization of emergency services and help ensure that first responders can focus their efforts on genuine emergencies. Taking proactive steps to minimize false alarms benefits the community and helps in maintaining the safety and security of properties and individuals.

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